Thanks for clicking on my About Page. I’m glad you chose to find out more about me and how I got to this place in my life.
I was raised in a conservative church in one of the several different Baptist denominations. I considered myself a good Christian because I was extremely faithful to the church.
If I had even the least gifting in a certain area, I assumed it meant that I was supposed to help on committees, or whatever area was needed at the time.
This is not about putting down any particular religion or church. It’s my story of coming out of legalism into more and more light of the truth of Christ.
Somehow in all my work FOR God, He very plainly and clearly showed me that I had missed having a great relationship WITH Him. As I have found out the last few years, when you see the stark, blinding truth about yourself in a way that only the Holy Spirit can show you, it is very painful.
I was devastated and cried for several days. Part of my grief was that I had spent so many years doing things for God that had not be ordained by Him.
I had been purposely seeking God and His Will for my life, and blindly thought that it would be totally found in church committees and activities.
What I didn’t understand was that from God’s point of view this was a good thing that had happened.
Now the Holy Spirit could work deep into the crevices and innermost being of my life. He wanted to expose and get rid of all the things that had been keeping me from having a real relationship with God. From God’s perspective, this was and still is a wonderful thing.
The problem for me was, I had never even tried to look at things from God’s perspective. I was too busy trying to live out my own plans and agendas, and putting them first without knowing or thinking about it.
It took the Holy Spirit to reach deep down and show me the truth about how I had been living my life.
I have always been a “people-pleaser” type person, so I desperately wanted everybody to like everything I did. I hated confrontation, and tried everything I could to keep everything running as smoothly as possible.
But the problem was, it took a terrible toll on me in ways I never imagined. I suppose I had felt everything was OK as long as I could manage things. But I didn’t have nearly as much control as I thought I did.
Now I see that Legalism was embedded into my life in every area. It controlled my subconscious thinking, and I never even knew it was there. This is why this post is not about a certain religion or church.
You can be bound by Legalism, and truly think you are following God in everything you do.
Only the Holy Spirit can show you the truth and reveal areas in your life that need change. Some of the last few years have been tough, but seeing God in a whole new way has made everything worthwhile.
God has changed me from the person who only wanted to do WORKS and ministry FOR Him to one that desires a relationship WITH Him. You can have that same thing.
This is what this podcast and blog are all about. To share with you what I have learned in simple, clear, and practical ways.
God loves you more than you can ever imagine, but He looks at things in a different way. The God who created the Universe can see the whole picture of your life. You can only see what is around you, and what has already happened.
God sees where He wants you to be in the future. Then He steers you in that direction. His plans for your life are far greater than you could ever imagine.