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The Ultimate Prize Worth Seeking

the ultimate prize worth seeking

The ultimate prize worth seeking is living a life that is sold out to God. Believe me! All the things on earth that you have thought of as so important will fade in comparison to serving the Living God who can change lives forever.

Stretch and Yearn for God with everything in you!

I had just fallen into a deep sleep when I awoke with a start. You know how sometimes you dream and it seems very real. And you wake up and find yourself physically attempting to handle the situation.

So it was with my dream. My grandson was 19 months old at the time I wrote this, so naturally he was curious about everything.

Those little hands could reach much farther than you would think. He would stand on tiptoe and stretch his hands as far up as possible. He was totally engrossed in reaching the object, with nothing else on his mind.

I can’t recall what the object was, but I had placed it on a shelf out of his reach. When I awoke from my dream, his fingertips were about to reach the bottom of the object.

I sat up in the bed and was almost to the point of racing to grab the object. It was heavy and would have hurt if it had fallen on his head.

I was able to understand and be thankful it was just a dream before I woke anybody else.

At that moment I felt the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit say: “This is the way you need to live your life – stretching and yearning for God with just as much intensity as your grandson was trying to reach the object that so fascinated him.  He put every ounce of energy he had to reach the thing he thought of as a prize.

My ultimate prize as a Christian is an eternal life in Heaven one day. But while I am living on the earth it is my duty to live for God with everything in me. He also wants me to allow Him to use me to accomplish things for Him. He has a great plan for both your life and mine.

A lot of people think of God as being irrelevant, old fashioned, and outdated in the world today. But in my experience, there is nothing that could be further from the truth.

In fact, I have found that this world and the things in it are very boring compared to living a life that is sold out to God. I know that I have only scratched the surface in seeing Who God Is.

I encourage you to stretch as far and high as you can from the tips of your toes to your fingertips toward the prize of living a life sold out to God.

He will meet you right where you are and start to grow and stretch you in order for Him to be able to do a great work in and through your life.

God truly is the ultimate prize that is worth seeking with every ounce of energy you have.

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