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Anger and Its Effects

anger and its effects

Anger and its effects have paralyzed many people who couldn’t get past what someone else did to them.

anger and its effects can change your personality and end up destroying your life

Satan loves nothing more than for us to be so angry at another person or circumstance that we are totally consumed by it.

He knows that the more we are consumed, the longer we will stay consumed. Then pride takes over. After that, it gets harder and harder to break the bondage that has ensnared us.

We eventually get miserable and know we must do something. At just that moment, the wrong that was committed flashes before us. Then it’s easy to start the same scenario over again.

Pride is a terrible thing, and one of the most potent tools in Satan’s arsenal.

God has given me an understanding of what anger and its effects will do to you. Never let it continue to fester and brew without getting rid of its roots.

You may feel your anger is justified because you didn’t do anything wrong. But the Bible is clear in saying that you must get rid of it. And God knows that ultimately it is for your own good.

It will end up hurting you much more than the person you have been angry with.

Here is a word picture of what God showed me about holding on to anger.

God chooses to use His people to carry forth His plans. He has a plan for each person, and wants to be able to use them in whatever way He desires.

When you are filled with anger, the Holy Spirit cannot be in control of your life to guide you in the right direction.

When I am consumed with anger over something, it is all I can think about. I spend a lot of valuable energy and time ranting over things I usually don’t have control over.

In the end, it does not really solve my problem or make things any different.

God has shown me that as soon as possible, I need to give my anger to Him. Then I can rest in the fact that He will take the necessary action. I can know that the other person will not get off without any consequences. They will just come in the timing of God.

When you are consumed with anger, there is no opening for the Holy Spirit to work. Above all else, do whatever it takes not to break that awesome communication and closeness with God.

Anger and its effects. It's much worse on you than the other person.

If you choose to do the right thing, God will bless and reward you.

Living in anger can never remotely compare to living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and God’s blessing on your life. You can always make the choice as to who or what will control you. Let it be the right thing.

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