Home » Break The Chains Of A Bad Habit

Break The Chains Of A Bad Habit

break the chains of a bad habit

Break the chains of a bad habit by asking the Holy Spirit to show you the steps you need to take. It may not be easy, but God will give you the strength you need exactly when you need it.

break the chains of a bad habit

The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken easily. -Samuel Johnson-

Habits can be good or bad, and you can develop them without thinking much about it. But it seems easier and quicker for you to develop bad habits than good ones.

My 18 month old grandson has no problem telling his older sister “mine,” and tries to take whatever she has. They have an abundance of toys, but he wants the exact toy she is playing with.

Nobody had to teach him to want his own way. But it may take some time for his parents to teach him how to share with others.

I think most of us as parents have had to deal with this situation. We have to spend more time teaching our children the right thing to do when it comes to sharing with others. They naturally don’t want to share.

No matter what wrong habits you have established, God can give you the power to overcome them. You don’t have to be consumed by a bad habit and be kept in bondage for the rest of your life.

Satan wants you to live a defeated, powerless life. But you don’t have to listen to the words of doubt he tries to speak into your life. He is a liar and it is his desire to keep you in bondage so that you can never be used by God as He desires.

It won’t be easy for you to break a habit that has been there for years. But it is possible to accomplish it with God’s strength. If you ask for His help, you will be amazed at how much extra strength and power He will give you to fight the battle.

Ask God to help you break the chains of a bad habit!

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