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Change Is Scary But Necessary

change is scary but necessary

Change is scary but necessary. But God looks at things from a different perspective. He sees what you are capable of and works to help you achieve it.

change is scary but necessary
“Change” is a scary word for most of us.

Without thinking much about it, we tend to weave a “comfort zone cocoon” around us. And we like to stay within it.

It’s not that way all the time, but sometimes God has to make me miserable in my circumstances before I will be open to change. The more miserable I am, the easier it is to desire change.

It’s not like you plan to grow comfortable and complacent. It just happens over time. Your circumstances might be bad, but somehow you have grown used to them. And…you have gotten to where you can somewhat cope with them.

You can convince yourself that this is better than stepping out into the unknown to do something you feel God is leading you to do.

So yes, change is scary but necessary. God wants you to learn to trust Him. And when you trust Him, you can walk into the unknown and even be excited about where He is leading.

You have a unique personality and unique talents that God wants to develop and use for His Glory. And as He reveals Himself to you, He will ask you to do some things you may not understand.

I’m sure Joshua didn’t understand when God told him that the Israelites should march around Jericho silently once a day for six days – and 7 times on the 7th day. Then they were to give a great shout. After that the walls would fall down and they would easily conquer the city. (Read Joshua 6: 1-27)

That certainly is not the way any human would think of doing things.

Don’t be afraid to step out into the unknown as long as you know God is with you. You don’t have to settle for comfort and complacency any longer.

God has great plans for your life, so open your heart to Him and let Him show you what they are.

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Further reading

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