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Come To God First Instead Of Last

come to God first

Come to God first with everything that happens, whether good or bad. Don’t come to Him last after you have tried everything else.

come to God first

God wants to be first BEFORE you try to find another solution. Or before you try to find many solutions before ultimately coming to Him last.

Imagine you are a wonderful father who loves your children and always wants the best for them. But instead of coming to you first with their problems they go to their friends. And their friends give them terrible advice that is leading them in the wrong direction. How hurt would you feel?

So many times we reach out to God LAST when we should have come to Him FIRST. Then he has to fix a multitude of problems before he can finally get around to the initial problem we had in the first place.

We can lead a stressed-out life because we try to get answers from everywhere but the ONE who has all the right answers from the start.

But God is God, and no amount of begging or coercing will force Him to give you the answer before it is exactly the right time.
Ultimately, He wants you to learn to trust Him completely to know what is best for every aspect of your life.

You can only see things from a limited view, but God can see the whole picture and how you fit into it. Sometimes he wants to use you for something much larger than you ever thought possible.

When you don’t take problems to Him first, you can live life stressed out. Why would you want to trust mere humans with your problems? The God who created the Universe wants to handle them for you.

And He wants to have a personal relationship with you.

Next time you have a problem, make a firm decision to give it to God. Then let Him handle it in the way He chooses. You will have much less stress in your life on a daily basis.

And…He already knows the problem and how He will solve it before you have even asked!

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