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Following God Is Simple But Not Always Easy

following God is simple but not always easy

Following God is simple, but not always easy. God wants to teach you to look at things from His perspective. You may not always know where you are going, but He does.

following God is simple but not always easy

It’s simple to follow God:

  • First, make Him a part of your everyday life. The more you seek Him, the more He will reveal Himself to you.
  • Second, learn to hear Him when He speaks to give you direction.
  • Then, walk in obedience to whatever He has told you to do.

It’s obvious that you don’t need to seek Him as to whether you should go to work, clean the house, or pay the bills. He gave you the common sense to know that those come along with living a life of integrity, moral values, and honor.

As you seek His direction, doors of opportunity will be opened you never thought of before. Or maybe a door will be closed because God has something different or better in mind.

You may be doing a good thing now, but God wants you to stop and start something new.

He can see where you can’t see. And He wants to lead you every step of the way so He always gets the Glory.

And when you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, God WILL always get the glory.

Ultimately, God wants you to know Him so well that you have no trouble allowing Him to lead in whatever direction He chooses.

Sometimes He puts you in a position where you must “be still and listen” until He reveals the next step.

And as has happened before in my life, He sometimes must take drastic measures to get your attention.

The Israelites left Egypt and started into the wilderness on their journey to freedom. They would always know God was with them because they could see a physical cloud over the Tabernacle by day. And it turned into a fiery cloud by night. They could always see a physical presence that He was with them.

When the Cloud started to move, they were to pack all their belongings and follow it until it stopped. Then they were to set up camp again.

God wanted to teach them to trust Him without knowing exactly where He was leading.

And if you are a Believer in Christ, you have the wonderful Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. You can’t see Him physically as the Israelites saw the cloud, but He is there just the same. And God will always be able to get the Glory when you follow His leading.

THEN God can use you to do things that will truly change the lives of those around you. Following God is simple, but it is not always easy.

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