Get rid of the life you’ve planned so God can open a better door for you to walk through.

You are bombarded with commercials, magazine ads, and other forms of advertising. And they encourage you to decide what you want, go for it with gusto, and live life to the fullest.
But living life only to please yourself ultimately leads to dissatisfaction and regret.
I know the quote above wasn’t written from a Christian perspective. But it applies perfectly to you if you want to live the Christian life to the fullest.
Most of us have grand plans for our future as we finish high school and start to college or learn a vocation. We want to be able to do something that will change the world in a huge way and make life better for mankind.
But most of us will never invent something that will change the world. So we get disillusioned as we grow older. Eventually we convince ourselves that the world-changing stuff is better suited to someone else.
We are just meant to be an “average Joe” and we try to accept it and move on. We try to cut our losses and make sense of what is left.
The wonderful thing about God is that He has a great plan for your life as a believer in Christ. He sees things you are capable of that you may never see in yourself. And He will call you to do things that you won’t be able to do without His help.
As strange as that might seem, it is what pleases Him. He desires for you to trust Him enough that you will step out on faith to do what He wants you to do.
The more you learn to trust God, the more you know that you really can trust Him with your life.
You come to understand and know that He is always working everything out for your good. And you learn He is working good whether you can see or feel it happening with your physical senses.
Feelings can quickly lead you astray. So learn to depend on the truth you have already discovered.
You can get rid of the life you’ve planned when you give God control and trust Him to give you His Best.
God loves you more than any other person ever can. And He always wants the very best for your life. So take the first step forward and let Him show you the way.