Give me patience now, but please Lord do it very soon! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE?
I hate to admit it, but for many years of my life I asked for patience in much this way.
But, where God is concerned, the words patience and now aren’t generally used in the same sentence or paragraph.

God looks at things in a different way. His desire is to grow and mature you to the place where it’s not about YOU and what YOU want.
Patience is usually acquired over a period of time, and little by little. It’s not acquired by asking “give me patience now.”
God wants you to get to know Him personally. When you do that, you will KNOW that you can trust Him even though you may not know where He is leading.
We usually want to take care of things using the knowledge we already have. The problem is that no human has the capacity to see the “big” picture of where God desires to lead us and the blessings He has in store for each of us.
AND…His “big” picture not only includes us, but our interactions with others around us. He can work in several areas at once to bring about His plan.
God has a very different time-table. We think we are ready to solve our problem with the facts we have at hand. God calls for us to wait until His timing is perfect so He can give us His Best.
He wants you to learn that you can totally trust Him to lead you in the right direction.
You will have to endure some trials and pruning along the way, but the end result will be worth the wait. God will mold you into a much stronger person that He can use to carry forth His work.
The next time you are tempted to get ahead of God, DON’T. Make the choice to walk WITH Him, and you will see that He does things in a wonderful, unique way.
When He has fully revealed His plan, it will be far greater than anything you ever imagined.

When you receive God’s Best, you will always be glad that you didn’t settle for “give me patience now.”
Hebrews 12: 1 “…let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”