God delights in YOU and wants to have a relationship with YOU. What a wonderful thing for the God who created the universe to know YOU and love YOU personally.

He knows everything about you. And He can be Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent for all mankind everywhere.
God knows your thoughts, hurts, and pain. And He can do what no human can fully do. He can lead, guide, and walk with you each day.
He can give you great strength, great patience, and great endurance to bear even the hardest things that may come your way.
You might have a best friend or significant other. And you can’t get through the day without texting, speaking to on the phone, or emailing them. You might even talk over your problems with them or get their advice on important decisions you must make.
God is concerned about every problem or circumstance that will come your way. And He cares much more than any other person ever could. He has all the answers when others don’t know how to help you.
Matthew 10: 30 - But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
You are a unique and awesome person to God, and He desires to work in your life to mold you into the person He desires you to be. If He knows the number of the hairs on your head, how much more does He understand everything else that is going on in your life.
God is:
- Omniscient – having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things
- Omnipresent – present everywhere at the same time
- Omnipotent – almighty or infinite in power; having very great or unlimited authority or power
He has all the answers, and knows the outcome of every problem or circumstance. Let Him guide you through the storms of life, knowing that He has the answer to every problem.