God sees what you can become. But He is limited in your life by how much control you decide to give Him. Unlike Satan, He won’t force you to change if you have absolutely no desire to do so.

You can limit God by your lack of faith. How many times do you limit Him by expecting Him to do things the way you want?
Our small minds seem to think that we know exactly the way something should be done. But we don’t know much compared to the God who created the universe and everything in it.
Some of the people God used most were the ones we consider to be the biggest failures.
But not only did He use them, He radically changed their life. And they became part of the earthly lineage of Jesus Christ. God definitely used some “questionable” people by many of our standards.
I wonder if He had to use the “questionable” people because the others wouldn’t open their hearts and minds to His plans?
We have a Great Heavenly Father who looks down and sees us as we are. And God truly sees what you can become.
Don’t let your failures keep you from letting God use you in an awesome way!!
The next time you feel like GOD can’t use you, just remember…
- Noah was a drunk
- Abraham was too old
- Isaac was a daydreamer
- Jacob was a liar
- Leah was ugly
- Joseph was abused
- Moses had a stuttering problem
- Gideon was afraid
- Samson had long hair and was a womanizer
- Rahab was a harlot
- Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
- David had an affair and was a murderer
- Elijah was suicidal
- Isaiah preached naked
- Jonah ran from God
- Naomi was a widow
- Job went bankrupt
- Peter denied Christ
- The Disciples fell asleep while praying
- Martha worried about everything
- The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once
- Zaccheus was too small
- Paul was too religious
- Timothy had an ulcer..AND
- Lazarus was dead!
God sees what you can become and starts from that point to use you to your full potential.
No more excuses!
Besides you aren’t the message,
you are just the messenger.