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Know The Truth So You Won’t Be Deceived

know the truth so you won't be deceived.

Know the truth so you won’t be deceived. Satan looks for an opening to hinder your walk with God. But you don’t have to be deceived when you know the truths of God’s Word.

know the truth so you won't be deceived
I John 4: 4   Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world.  AMP

As a believer in Christ, the REAL GOD who lives in you is greater than the counterfeit god (Satan).

The Bible is full of promises and truths for the believer in Christ to claim as their own. But you must read the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to give you understanding of the truths it contains.

If you only believe what others say, you will never find out the truth for yourself. Then it will be easy for Satan to get you to believe a lie.

John told the believers that since they were children of God, they didn’t have to live in defeat all the time. They had the Holy Spirit living inside them. He could help them walk in power and live a life of victory.

AND…the closer your relationship to God, the easier it will be to walk in the truths of the Bible. YES, Satan will be looking for an opening to hinder your walk with God.

But as a Child of God you don’t have to live in defeat. You can know the truth so you won’t be deceived.

If you have a problem with worry, find verses in the Bible that speak directly to your problem. Then write them down and read them over and over until they become a part of you.

Ask the Holy Spirit to change your way of thinking and help you dwell on the truth God says rather than the lies Satan is trying to get you to believe.

God wants you to get to the point that you trust Him to completely to take care of problems and circumstances that arise. Nothing is too hard, big, or complicated for Him to handle.

He says “greater is He who lives in you than he who is in the world.” You don’t have to live in defeat any longer. Satan wants you to think that things are hopeless. But God says that through His strength you can have victory over the circumstance that is trying to weigh you down.

Claim the promises of God and let them sink in and completely change your life!

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