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Never Allow Satan To Make You Give Up

Never allow Satan to make you give up

Never allow Satan to make you give up. The greatest miracle ever could be right around the corner. You will miss it if you give up.

never allow Satan to make you give up

From looking at this picture you get the idea that this situation looks pretty hopeless. Those tiny legs of the lizard surely can’t hold out long against the more powerful jaws of the larger bird.

This is a perfect example of how we look when we try to stand against Satan in our own power. We may put up a valiant fight for a short time, but ultimately we cannot win against him in the long term.

But the Bible says in I John 4: 4 that “greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.” This is true in every instance if you are a believer in Christ.

This is not a battle you fight in your flesh. It is God in you who fights against the methods Satan uses.

You must use God’s weapons to fight him. Otherwise, you will always be fighting a losing battle. It is “God in you” who gives you strength, discernment, and true knowledge about what actions to take to spoil the plans of the enemy.

The next time you think you are fighting a losing battle, remember the verse above. Ask God to reveal Himself to you and give you the strength you need. Never allow Satan to make you give up.

God has the answer. He will gladly show you, but you must listen to His instructions and carry them out. They might be totally different than anything you have tried before. You may even think they don’t make logical sense.

But God can see your future, and has a plan to bring growth and maturity so He can use you.

You truly can trust Him with the smallest detail of your life.

Never, never, never let Satan tell you that something is hopeless or that it is too big for God to handle.

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