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Nothing Is Too Hard For God

Nothing is too hard for God

Nothing is too hard for God to handle, no matter how impossible it may look to you. You can’t see what will happen, but God can. He wants you to trust Him to take care of it.

Nothing is too hard for God

Never forget this, no matter what you are going through or how impossible your situation might look. Nothing is too hard for God to handle. Your job is to believe that He can.

Worry never helps to solve a problem or shorten the length of your circumstance. You convince yourself that if you don’t worry about it, you don’t care enough.

Worry also wrongly tries to make you believe you somehow have control over how the situation turns out. This is a grave error, because doing this makes everything worse instead of better.

You have probably convinced yourself that if you are worrying, at least you are doing something. But all this does is keep you from turning to God, giving the situation to Him, and allowing Him to handle it.

This won’t be an easy thing to do. But ask God to give you the faith to believe that He can handle anything that happens. All you have to do is ask, and He will meet you exactly where you are at this very moment.

Don’t let Satan continue to win by telling you that whatever you are facing is impossible and there is no way out. You don’t have to believe his lies any longer.

Dwell on God’s truths instead of Satan’s lies. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the faith and strength you need to have victory in the situation. He will show you what to do.

Look up Bible verses that pertain to your situation, write them down, and say them over and over again.

God wants to be able to give you a faith that truly believes in the impossible and show you Who He Is. Let Him work through you to accomplish His Will.

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