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Plant Good Seeds Every Day

plant good seeds to always reap a good harvest

Plant good seeds every day of your life to always sow a good harvest.

plant good seeds to always reap a good harvest
Choose to plant only good seeds today and every day.

What a powerful quote! Make sure to remember it the next time you are tempted to wallow in a sea of anger, hate, unforgiveness, etc. because of something that has happened that was beyond your control.

It is not just people who can cause you to plant bad seeds, it is also circumstances that can happen as a result of everyday living. When everything seems to go wrong, you always have a choice as to how you will react.

It must be your choice to plant good seeds each day. Others around you are watching what you say and do, so choose good.

This post is not about something horrible that has happened to you. If that is the case, there will be certain stages you need to work through to get past your grief or anger. You may even need to get Christian counseling.

But it is still only YOU that can make the choice as to the actions you will take to get rid of anger and resentment. They are keeping you from having God’s Best in your life. You can continue to let them control you, or decide you will start to plant good seeds and let the bad stuff go.

Remember, you are choosing to get rid of the bad because it is what God desires. He cannot bring His great blessings into your life if it is filled to the brim with bad feelings towards a person or circumstance.

Elizabeth Kenny said, “He who angers you controls you.” So choose to plant good seeds.

When you are full of anger, there is no room for God to work in your life. It is like a leech that sucks all your energy, talents, peace, and joy. It can even change your whole personality for the worse.

Never give another person or circumstance that kind of power over your life. Taking the high road may not be easy, but in the end you will have had a much better life.

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