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You Don’t Have To Live A “Pointless” Life

God can keep you from living a pointless life
You don't have to live a pointless life. God can give you the help you need to walk in His plan.
Pointless – You’re Still Not Going Anywhere

A pointless life means you aren’t doing things that will make a difference in the lives of those around you for eternity. You may be doing good things, but they aren’t things you have prayed about and felt God leading you to do.

I’m sure these people shoveled the snow from around their car to have a record of the huge snowfall that occurred. But the caption underneath got me to thinking about how many times I haven’t been truly productive even though I was very busy.

I looked at other Christians, saw their busyness, and automatically thought I must do the same if I was ever to accomplish anything great for God. So…I did as much as possible to fill my calendar to the fullest so I could accomplish more and more.

But I went overboard, and had my calendar so full there was no room for God to show me the things He wanted me to do.

I was doing a lot of things that made for a pointless life as far as eternity was concerned. Usually I would get excited about something and forge ahead before I had spent sufficient time praying and seeking God.

I’m a person who wishes things would happen NOW, and God would just go ahead and show me the whole picture of how everything will turn out. Unfortunately, that doesn’t build my faith and dependence upon Him. He wants me to learn to be so dependent on Him that I know that WAITING is part of the way He works.

It’s not usually easy to wait on God’s timing. At least it’s not easy for me!

The flesh can only see what is before it at the moment, and tries to make a decision based on what looks the best given the options available. The Holy Spirit is sent to the Christian as an everyday guide so that nothing is done by guess or chance.

John 16: 13-14 (The words of Jesus) When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.

If you have believed on Jesus to be your Savior, and asked Him to be your Lord, the Holy Spirit is there to guide you into all truth. You just have to ask Him and obey what He tells you to do, even if you don’t understand it at the time. God knows all about your future, and only desires the best for you.

Don’t live a “pointless” life any longer. Make every day count as one that you know you accomplished something for God.

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