The correct way to carry a burden is to follow the instructions of Matthew 11: 28-30. Then you won’t continually be overwhelmed by the problems of this life.

Matthew 11: 28-30
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Jesus spoke these words as He taught His followers the correct way to carry a burden. And He always used examples they could understand.
A yoke (one continuous piece of wood that had cutouts for both necks) was put on a pair of oxen. This enabled them to move in perfect sync as they plowed the field.
The heavy weight could be distributed among the oxen. They could then move forward steadily without being overburdened. And this enabled them to work for long periods of time.
Oxen are animals that have heavy bodies and long tails with smooth horns standing out from the side of their head.
- They are powerful work animals mainly used for plowing.
- They serve as beasts of burden, and symbolize ferocious strength.
- They are very patient, and move slowly and steadily until they get the job done.
- They were important working members of the Jewish agricultural community.
- In addition, they were used for food and in religious ceremonies.
Jesus wants you to yoke yourself with Him, just as the oxen work together in perfect sync to do tremendous amounts of work.
Then you can walk in perfect sync with Him instead of trying to do everything yourself, becoming overburdened.
His yoke will make every burden much lighter and give much hope and encouragement that He will work everything out for your good.
The laws of God are free and easy compared to the harsh slavery of sin. And it is much easier to be a believer in Christ than a sinner.
Of all the yokes imposed on people, that of the Redeemer is the lightest.
You don’t have to be overwhelmed by burdens any longer. Christ wants you to leave them with Him and let Him bear the brunt of the heavy load.
Never believe the lie that the yoke God imposes is too hard, or too strict. There is much freedom when you walk in sync with God and do things His Way.