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The Substance Of Faith

the substance of faith

The substance of faith is a real, physical thing. But God wants you to learn to believe BEFORE you receive, not AFTER.

Hebrews 11: 1 –  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

***In the Greek substance means a setting under (support), figuratively concrete essence; confidence.

***Faith gives reality or real substance to things hoped for. It is a basis, or foundation, for support. It is the real thing.

When weight lifting, you either use your own equipment or go to the gym. Then you decide on a plan of action that will help you reach your goal. Lastly, you must be disciplined enough not to let other things distract you from reaching it.

If you carry out your plan on a regular basis, it won’t be long before you can see the physical evidence.

Faith works in the same way as exercise. You exercise your faith, but you can’t always see the evidence of your growth as quickly as when you do physical exercise.

God wants you to learn to trust Him with every aspect of your life. You learn to believe what He has told you, and know that it will happen.

And the only way you can achieve this is to learn who God is. He desires to have a close relationship with you. He wants you to read the Bible to see who He is and learn how He works.

The more you do this, the less worry, anxiety, and fear will be able to control your life.
true faith is the end of anxiety

God desires you to have faith, but He wants something even more – your ability to believe you can receive from Him BEFORE you have seen it.

You can’t just order God to do whatever you want. But when He tells you something, He wants you to learn His Character well. Then you will have no doubt that whatever He told you will happen.

And when it does happen, you won’t be surprised. You have been waiting for it all along.

God loves you much more than you could ever imagine. Trust Him with everything going on in your life right now – He wants to meet your every need.

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