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There Are 2 Parts To Every Burden

there are 2 parts to every burden

There are 2 parts to every burden. Make sure that you don’t take it for your own. Give everything to God and let Him carry it for you.

there are 2 parts to every burden

There are two parts to every burden. One is the burden in itself, and the other is how much of that burden you internalize and take for your own. You cannot magically transport yourself away from difficult circumstances. Yet you can choose to see, understand and live the fact that even the most difficult burden is not a part of who you are. -Ralph Marston-

It can be easy for a huge trial or heavy burden to affect you in ways you never imagined. It can change your personality from cheerful and lively to bitter, depressed, and moody.

It’s easy to take on the burden and try to carry it around on your own. But God never intended for you to carry a huge burden on your own with no help from Him.

Matthew 11: 28-30  Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

The following quote is from Charles Finney, who explains it very well.

1. Then let it be understood that Christ’s real yoke, or the true service of Christ, is never hard. His real yoke is never heavy. It is self-will and selfishness that at any time fault the yoke or the service of Christ.

2. If what we call religion is burdensome, it is not Christ’s yoke, it is not Christ’s religion. If we make an uphill business of it, and if we find it “hard to obey, and harder still to love,” Christ says to us, Who has required this at your hand? What I require of you is a love-service, not this slavish service. If you love me not, if you do not serve me from love, I abhor your doings. Let no one think himself truly religious whose religion is a bondage, and not the highest liberty.

3. Whatever is hard in religion is made so by our want of heart, our want of love, our want of confidence; and is therefore not Christ’s yoke at all. It is not true religion, it is not Christian liberty, but legal bondage.

4. All truly religious duties are easy. If we make them hard, they are not a love-service, and not what Christ requires. If we make them hard we spoil them. If we go complainingly about his service, grumbling about the difficulties and the hardness of his service, he loathes our bondage, he cannot accept it.

I in the past I have lived in bondage because I took on burdens that I should have given to God. You eventually break down under the load when you try to do it all on your own.

Choose Christ’s yoke of freedom instead of breaking down under a load of bondage. There are 2 parts to every burden, but you don’t have to make it a part of who you are.

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