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When Big Storms Come

when big storms come

When big storms come into your life, make sure to keep your focus on Jesus. Develop tunnel vision straight to Him, and don’t look at bad circumstances around you.

when big storms come

Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your God is. -Anonymous-

If you are a believer in Christ, Satan will try to hinder your spiritual growth. It can feel as if you are in a huge storm with monstrous waves that may sink you at any moment.

In every storm a good captain steers his boat as straight as possible head-on into the coming waves. The point is to go up and over them all. If the boat is sideways when the wave hits, it will capsize.

Every believer in Christ will go through times of testing.

God wants you to have tunnel vision and look to Him for help. He doesn’t want you to get distracted by circumstances around you that may look impossible. Nothing is impossible as far as He is concerned.

A test from God is not a punishment He has inflicted upon you. He has a purpose for everything you will ever go through.

Your greatest growth as a believer in Christ will come during your heaviest times of testing. Of course, if you’re like me, you won’t be anxious to volunteer.

But it helps if you understand what it means when God allows you to be tested. You won’t give up easily, because you know that He will help you through what He has allowed to come into your life.

Matthew 14: 28-30

Peter said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.

And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

But when he saw the wind boisterous (strong,) he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

Peter was a very passionate and courageous person. In his later years he grew into a strong believer in Christ. And he did a mighty work for the Kingdom of God.

BUT…he was a risk-taker and spoke without thinking, especially before he became a mature Christian.

When Peter saw Jesus walking on the water towards them, he probably spoke without thinking. After all, wouldn’t that be an awesome thing to do?

In spite of his ultimate failure, Peter did walk a few steps. Most of us would not even have thought of getting out of the boat.

After those few steps he started to notice the churning sea around him and grew afraid of drowning. He looked at the waves instead of having tunnel vision looking at Jesus.

When big storms come, the only way you can make it through is to keep your focus on Jesus. Keep walking toward Him without looking sideways at the storm.

If Peter had done this, He would have eventually touched the hand of Jesus and reached his destination safely. He had to keep his focus on Jesus and not look at what was going on around him.

It’s the same way in your everyday life. When big storms come, don’t allow yourself to be consumed by the huge waves that surround you. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus and keep taking steps toward Him. Only then will you conquer the storm.

You probably won’t choose to go through a storm. But you can have the assurance that your Heavenly Father walks with you every step of the way. He will be leading, protecting, and ultimately giving you the victory!

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