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When One Door Closes Another Opens

when one door closes another opens

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.Alexander Graham Bell

When one door closes, another opens

We as believers in Christ have the Living God inside us in the form of the Holy Spirit. His job is to give direction and show us the truth about decisions we make everyday.

Many times we set long-term goals based on our own desires. God can see into the future and knows the outcome of the decisions we have made. Since we are His Child, He desires to give us His Best.

God can see where you are going, and because He loves you He wants to do whatever it takes to help you achieve His greatest blessings.

AND…His blessings may differ greatly from what you think they should be.

God sometimes has to close a door that might look great to you at the moment. When this happens, don’t stand there longing for it to reopen. Don’t look at the closed door as the end – rather think that God must have something better for you that is in the process of arriving.

This same thing happened in my own life. I started on a journey for God, thinking that I was following His will. But after awhile God shut the door, and I had no idea what to do next.

I felt like a great failure. God had entrusted me with this important job, and I had failed Him. I finally realized that I had failed Him in the sense of what I thought was failure.

God needed to do more work in my life to grow and mature me for the next phase of what He wanted me to do.

I was looking at success and failure according to my own terms. In my mind, I had failed. In God’s mind, He just needed to set me free from all the fleshly things that had kept me in bondage for far too long.

Many of the things He showed me I had no idea were even there. So when one door closes, another opens. It’s that open door that is leading the way to a freer, greater, and more mature life in Christ than you have known before.

Get on your knees, seek the truth, and make sure you have heard from God. If He tells you to go through this particular open door, don’t let fear hold you back.

Ask God to give you the faith and strength you need to go forward.

Never let fear keep you from getting God’s Best if you know you are walking in His Truth.

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