You won’t be sorry for doing these 11 things, even though most of them may not seem the best thing to do at the time. You must remember that you can’t trust your emotions to always show you the right thing to do.

In the heat of the moment, it seems easier to let all the bad feelings out. It may give momentary satisfaction to explode your bad thoughts upon them, but that satisfaction is short-lived.
The trouble with words and actions is that the moment they are let OUT, they can never be brought back IN no matter how hard you try. It is so important to let the Holy Spirit guide you in everything you do and say.
The more you can do this, the less you will have to be sorry for. Also, you won’t have to go through the guilt that follows wrong words and actions.
Too many times I have regretted my words or actions in the moments after they were done or said, but it was already too late.
Your own fleshly feelings can easily lead you astray. It is hard to think clearly when you are angry, hurt, furious, sad, etc. Don’t make a decision to do or say things when you are feeling this way.
If at all possible, wait until you can pray about the matter and ask God to show you His Will. If you are put on the spot and have to respond, ask the Holy Spirit to tell you what to say.
God already has a plan to work in the other person or circumstance. Sometimes , though, we refuse to wait on Him and formulate a plan to handle it ourselves. This usually results in the problem becoming worse instead of better. Then the mess we have made of things has to be straightened out.
We don’t have the insight to see exactly what hurt caused the other person to act the way they did.
It may not have had anything to do with us at all. Maybe we were just in their path at a bad moment. That’s why choosing in advance to do these 11 things will be easier when you are blindsided at a moment’s notice.
When you take the high road, it can make a positive impact on the other person. It might take some time, but a seed has been planted by you that the Holy Spirit can work through.
Choose now that you will live your life never being sorry for words you say or actions you take. Let God handle any problems that come along. During this journey He will show you more and more Who He Is, and you will never want to go back to the old way of trying to handle things yourself.