A Boy Named Grumble Tone is a story that is easy to relate to. It is far easier to grumble and complain about people or things than to take the time to find and dwell on what is good about them.

Philippians 4: 8-9 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. NASB
Imagine what kind of world we would live in if everyone decided to live their life according to these verses. Everyone would only look for the good in every person, circumstance, or situation.
It’s easy to give in to the first negative thought that goes through your head about a person or situation.
And it’s much easier to see others’ faults than it is to see your own.
If you only dwell on the negative, eventually you will forget to look for the good.
God wants to be in control of your life so that He can use you to influence those around you for good. He sees all the great things about you that you don’t see for yourself.
He purposely places people in your path to help mature and grow you as a believer in Christ. Then you can help others in their walk with Him.
But some of the people God purposely brings into your life may get on your nerves or clash with your personality.
Generally, we choose not to be around someone who clashes with us at every turn. But God may know that only you could get through to that person and show them the love of Jesus.
And God may want to teach you to have more patience, compassion, and love. The way He chooses to do that may be to bring you into contact with someone else who desperately needs what He wants to teach you to give.
The problem is, they may not know how desperately they need what God wants to teach you to give.
He loves the other person just as much as He loves you. And He wants to see their life changed just as yours has been. When you think about it, it’s an honor to be chosen by God to show the love of Jesus to another person. But we don’t usually think of it that way.
You must think about things more from God’s perspective than yours. It is at times like this that you will experience the greatest growth as a believer in Christ.
His refinement process can seem tough at times. But God is always growing your faith and challenging your beliefs to bring you closer to Him.
From His perspective, it’s an awesome thing.
A Boy Named Grumble Tone
There was a boy named Grumble Tone who ran away to sea,
“I’m sick of things on land,” he said, “as sick as I can be;
A life upon the bounding wave will suit a lad like me!”
The seething ocean billows failed to stimulate his mirth,
For he did not like the vessel, nor the dizzy, rolling berth,
And he thought the sea was almost as unpleasant as the earth.
He wandered into foreign lands, he saw each wondrous sight,
But nothing that he heard or saw seemed just exactly right;
And so he journeyed on and on, still seeking for delight.
He talked with kings and ladies fair; he dined in courts, they say,
But always found the people dull, and longed to get away
To search for that mysterious land where he would like to stay.
He wandered over all the world, his hair grew white as snow;
He reached that final bourne at last where all of us must go,
But never found the land he sought. The reason you would know?
The reason was that north or south, where’er his steps were bent,
On land or sea, in court or hall, he found but discontent;
For he took his disposition with him everywhere he went.