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Adversity Brings Out Either Good Or Bad

adversity brings out either good or bad

Adversity brings out either good or bad. So let it bring out God’s character in your life and learn to depend on Him when things get tough.

Proverbs 24:10    If you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small.   (The Message version)   If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn’t much to you in the first place.

What a powerful verse!

If you live long enough, you will go through different degrees and stages of adversity.

And…you will never “know what you are made of” until you have been tested. If you are like me, you don’t look for a hard test to pass. Does anyone look forward to going through tough circumstances? And who would ever want them to last more than a few days?

God wants you to run to Him when things happen that are out of your control.

He opens the door for you to do things that you will never be able to accomplish in your own strength. And He wants you to learn to depend on Him for your strength instead of trying to do it on your own.

He places things in your life to help you to grow stronger as a Christian. And He desires to use you in a mighty way. But in the process you must submit your will to His.

If you’re like me, you will have a few areas where God wants to make some changes. Because He definitely looks at things in a different way than you do.

He wants you to learn about His Character and concentrate on how He works. He wants you to learn to rely on His sight and strength to work through you to accomplish what He desires.

Your sight is very limited, and it’s easy to concentrate more on what you want rather than what God wants.

If He tells you to do something hard, it is because He sees great potential in you and wants to develop it and use you in a mighty way.

God sometimes puts you in a tough situation to teach you to lean on Him with everything in you. The next time things look impossible, claim Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

So if adversity brings out either good or bad, let it bring out the good. Then you can grow stronger as a believer in Christ.

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