A successful person is different things to different people. And success is usually much different in the eyes of God than it is in the eyes of man. A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at them. ...
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Proverbs 18:21 – Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 21:23 – Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles. There have been more times than I want to...
God uses hairpin turns like this as a natural part of our Christian growth and maturity. Hairpin turns are a natural part of a mountain road In my early years as a believer in Christ, I imagined myself walking with God down a straight path. Then we...
You will either respond or react to situations that are beyond your control, so make the choice in advance as to what you will do. To react means you give back the same thing that was given to you in much the same manner. To respond acts in return...
Plant good seeds every day of your life to always sow a good harvest. Choose to plant only good seeds today and every day. What a powerful quote! Make sure to remember it the next time you are tempted to wallow in a sea of anger, hate...
Your attitude affects your whole life in almost every way. YOU have the choice as to how you will let what happens to you either ruin or enhance your everyday life. You can’t always stop what happens, but you can choose how you will react...
Your actions cause ripples to flow outward from your life just like the drop of water that falls into a pond or lake. One drop of water makes ripples spread outward as it falls from above This makes me think about decisions I make and the...
You won’t be sorry for doing these 11 things, even though most of them may not seem the best thing to do at the time. You must remember that you can’t trust your emotions to always show you the right thing to do. In the heat of the...
Pointless – You’re Still Not Going Anywhere A pointless life means you aren’t doing things that will make a difference in the lives of those around you for eternity. You may be doing good things, but they aren’t things you...
Being 2 degrees off course can make a huge difference years down the road. This story gives a great example of why it’s important to stay on the right course. The story goes like this: I heard a guy tell a story that he was on a plane flight...